Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday (7/21)   Today is our 19th Anniversary and we just wanted to share this over-the-top anniversary day. (Actually, we had other things planned but it was raining all day so this was Plan B.)

We headed out for Madison, which is the capitol of WI.  Along the way we stopped in Mt. Horeb to see the Mustard Museum.  In this very yellow museum they have mustard pots, tins, advertisements, a record with the title "Too Much Mustard" and 5,058 different kinds of mustard on display.  The museum was started by Barry Levenson, who went to the grocery store after his beloved Boston Red Socks had snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in the 1986 World Series.  Crushed by the loss, Barry sought solace in the condiment aisle at the grocery store.  He heard a voice as he stood before the mustard say "If you collect us, they will come."  Well, he did , and they have!   The museum is just a hoot with quirky signs and t-shirts.  There have to be at least 500 kinds of mustard you can buy.

Well, after that exciting museum, what could we do to top it.  On to Madison and as we got closer and closer to the center of the city, there it was, the State Capitol!!   Be still my heart - another state capitol!!!  This is the third capitol building and was started in 1906 and completed in 1917 at a cost of $7.25 million. It was designed by the New York Architect George B. Post.   There are 43 kinds of stone from six countries and eight states. The stone in the building is really beautiful, so many colors and textures.   When you look up the 200 ft to the top of the dome, you see the largest dome by volume in the world.  The "Wisconsin" statue on the exterior top of the dome was done by Daniel Chester French of New York.  A 14-year renovation of the building was completed in 2002 so every detail in the building is just perfect.

But all joking aside, this has been the most wonderful 19-years of of lives.  We love retirement and we are having more fun than ever.    We both feel lucky to be together, to be healthy and and to be enjoying every minutes of our lives.  

I almost forgot, we are going to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight - the excitement never ends!!!!


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! And what better way to celebrate than the mustard museum, wow!

    We're in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont on our TAB vacation. We came today from Lake Champlain. Having a very nice trip.

  2. I'm a couple of days late, but happy anniversary you two!! We were camping at a KOA in Boone and had very spotty internet, so we missed the big day. Becky and I talked on the way home today about a September trip up your way....we'll definitely want to stop by and see you if you're not on the road somewhere!!! I'll be in touch...S
