Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Journey Begins

Well, we are off.   We left at 10:00 am and we looked like the Beverly Hillbillys.   The Equinox is full to the gills but we have everything we thinks that we will need.  We are in Pennsylvania right now having dinner and plan to spend the night in Akron, Ohio.  

We can't believe that it is really here already.  We have been talking about doing this for at least 16 years.  We look forward to hearing comments as we make our way along the journey.

Thanks to our neighbor, Mike, for taking our picture this morning.


  1. I thought about you guys all day. That was great to have your picture taken before your take off. I found myself wishing I had your itinerary so I could keep up with where you are each day.

    Safe travels!
    Susan and Bob

  2. Congratulations!! Have fun, travel safely, and I'll be checking in on you every day. Hugs!

  3. Wow! It looks like you had beautiful weather in NY as a send-off. We're so glad you're doing this blog. It's going to be fun to "travel along with you."

    Travel safely!
    Susan and Bob

  4. That looks like so much fun........A long trip and stayin' in the T@B.......I love it ....thanks for the postings,,........

  5. Rosie (Gid and Terry)

    We are so excited for you. So glad you are sharing your journey with us. Looking forward to seeing you at the rallys and learning from your adventure.

    Safe Travels!

    Gid and Terry
