Friday (7/31) Today, the girls (Sue, CeCe and Mary) spent most of the day shopping. Rich and Austin (a friend's thirteen-year old grandson) went to the Sea Plane Base. The air show includes sea planes and has a base for them on Lake Winnebago right next to the Oshkosh air field (see pictures.) Rich chose the picture of the white plane at the Sea Base - I am sure he was just interested in that sinking plane. In the afternoon, Rich and Austin watched the C17 and C5A military cargo-moving planes come in. The C17 is actually a flying hospital when needed. They then watched the air show.
While walking around after dinner, we saw a contraption worthy of the Flintstones. This homemade contraption is truly a work of art - what kind of art is up for discussion. The frame of it is the Y of a tree and the rest is whatever its builder could get his hands on (see picture.)
We all went to the Theater in the Woods in the evening. Livingston Taylor (James Taylor's brother) sang and played guitar. He was followed by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles, the pilot and co-pilot of Flight 1549 which made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in New York City this past January. Everyone on board was rescued thanks to the professionalism of the pilot, co-pilot and three stewardesses. Captain Sullenberger was very emphatic that it was a total team effort. Although it was a serious topic, the fact that everyone survived, gave leeway for a little humor. In fact, Jeffrey Skiles could have another career as a comedian if he wanted. They were like watching the comedian and his straight man (Sully.) They really emphasized that they were not heroes but highly trained professionals just doing their jobs. At the end of their talk, Tom Poberezny, EAA President, came out and announced that Jeffrey Skiles had donated to the Young Eagles Auction, held the night before, his shoes and flight jacket from Flight 1549. The two items raised $76,000 for the Young Eagles Program. Mr. Skiles also donated his flight bag from Flight 1549 to the EAA Museum. It is signed by both Co-Pilot Skiles and Pilot Sullenberger and has the date and Flight 1549 signed on it. It will be kept on display in the museum.
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